Malnutrition UNICEF Children child Kaduna
The rate of child deaths due to severe malnutrition in Kaduna is declining steadily.

UNICEF: Malnutrition Kills 100 Nigerian Children Hourly

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), approximately 100 Nigerian children below the age of five die hourly due to malnutrition.

Nemat Hajeebhoy, the Chief Nutritionist for UNICEF, said this on Thursday in Abuja during a media executive roundtable meeting organised by the National Council of Nutrition in collaboration with the Office of the Vice President, with support from UNICEF, the Civil Society-Scaling Up Nutrition in Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Health, among others.

According to Hajeebhoy, malnutrition threatens the survival and growth of Nigerian children.

She said poor diets were robbing millions of children of their health, development, and lifetime prospects and many children were not getting the diets and supplements they needed to grow.

“Left untreated, children with severe acute malnutrition are nearly 12 times more likely to die than a healthy child.

Read Also: GAIN: Malnutrition a ticking time bomb in Nigeria 

“Without urgent action, UNICEF estimates that 14.7 million children under five will suffer from moderate and severe acute malnutrition (wasting) this year.

“Thirteen million children will suffer from moderate acute malnutrition and 1.7 million children will suffer from severe acute malnutrition.”

She noted that there is up to 15 percent Gross Domestic Product loss for Nigeria if no action is taken.

“Food insecurity is a major threat to Nigeria’s future and one in three households cannot afford the lowest cost nutritious diet,” she added.

Also, the Head of the Nutrition and Food Safety Division of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Rasaq Oyeleke, said the 17 sustainable development goals would not be achieved without improving food systems.

“The food systems must provide sufficient energy and essential nutrients to maintain good health of the population.”