Promoting Public Health: Advocacy for a Central Water System on World Health Day
Promoting Public Health: Advocacy for a Central Water System on World Health Day


Promoting Public Health: Advocacy for a Central Water System on World Health Day

In a collective plea, medical practitioners are urging the Nigerian federal government to prioritize the establishment of a central water system. Their goal is to ensure widespread access to safe and affordable drinking water, a fundamental requirement for healthy lives.

These experts shared their insights with journalists in Lagos on Saturday, coinciding with the 2024 World Health Day (WHD), an annual observance held on April 7. WHD commemorates the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948.

The theme for this year’s WHD is “My Health, My Right.” It underscores the universal entitlement of every individual to essential health services, education, and information. Additionally, it emphasizes access to safe drinking water, clean air, proper nutrition, quality housing, decent working conditions, and freedom from discrimination.

Dr. Ramon Moronkola, a consultant cardiologist affiliated with the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), stressed the urgency of establishing a central water system. Such a system would facilitate monitoring and regulation of water quality across different households. Unsafe water, he emphasized, contributes significantly to the spread of infections and diseases.

“The WHO recognizes access to safe water and good nutrition as pivotal components of World Health Day celebrations,” Dr. Moronkola explained. “Water is essential for life and overall well-being. It quenches our thirst, aids digestion, and supports waste elimination.”

However, in Nigeria, the government’s water supply infrastructure is virtually nonexistent. The prevalent reliance on packaged water from various sources raises concerns about safety. Dr. Moronkola advocates for collaborative efforts between regulatory agencies and water producers. By ensuring safe, affordable, and accessible water, they can collectively enhance public health.

Dr. Bummi Oluwagbemi, a consultant in family and lifestyle medicine, emphasized the critical role of water in sustaining life. She advised individuals to prioritize safe drinking water, especially during the day. Adequate hydration supports bodily cleansing and revitalization.

Lastly, her recommendation is to aim for at least three liters of water per day to maintain optimal health.