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Importance of Eating Before Taking Injections

Experts Emphasize Importance of Eating Before Taking Injections

Medical professionals are advising patients to eat before receiving injections to prevent adverse reactions such as dizziness, weakness, and fainting. According to experts, injections are foreign bodies that require a certain level of glucose in the body to prevent reactions unrelated to the injection itself.

Public health specialist Dr. Rotimi Adesanya explained that injections can cause side effects like dizziness, weakness, and itching, and may even lead to low blood sugar and low blood pressure if taken on an empty stomach.

Nurses are advised to ask patients about their meal status before administering injections, and patients who haven’t eaten should be advised to do so and wait for 15-30 minutes before receiving the injection.

The Lagos State Chairman of the National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives, Christianah Adeboboye, emphasized that professional nurses always follow standard practice rules and verify the qualifications of hospital personnel involved in injection administration.

Patients have the right to know about the drug being given, why it is being administered, and have the right to consent or reject treatment.

In summary, eating before taking injections is crucial to prevent adverse reactions, and medical professionals should always prioritize patient safety and well-being.