ACOMIN dengue West Nile Virus
There has been an outbreak of West Nile Virus in Croatia

West Nile Virus Outbreak Hits Croatia: Dozens Infected

A health alert has been issued in central Croatia after two severe cases of West Nile virus infection were reported in the Sisak and Petrinja areas.

Tonka Jozic Novinc, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Sisak General Hospital, warned that dozens more may be infected, as the disease spreads rapidly through mosquito bites.

Furthermore, It was quoted by the local N1 news channel as she said,

“The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes; it is not transmitted from person to person. The greater the number of mosquitoes bites on one, the greater the probability of someone getting infected.

“It can be expected that we will have more cases.”

The two patients, who have since fully recovered, suffered from severe symptoms such as high fever, muscle and joint pain, and disordered consciousness. Ms Novinc emphasized that the disease is not transmitted person-to-person, but rather through mosquito bites, increasing the risk of infection with each bite.

As the mosquito population surges, health officials are bracing for more cases. She also urged residents to take preventive measures, such as using mosquito repellents and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Additionally, authorities are working hard to reduce mosquito breeding sites by mowing grass and dusting areas to prevent further spread of the virus.

The outbreak has raised concerns about the need for vigilance in preventing the spread of West Nile virus, particularly during peak mosquito season.