USSEC Protein Soy Soybean
The United States Soybean Export Council (USSEC) has launched a ‘Right to Protein campaign’ which advocates for access to protein-rich food sources.

USSEC Launches Protein Consumption Campaign

The United States Soybean Export Council (USSEC), a non-governmental organisation, has launched the ‘Right to Protein campaign’ which has been targeted at advocating for access to protein-rich food sources in Nigeria as the right to adequate nutrition, including protein, is a human right.

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) recommended minimum per capita daily protein intake is 53.8g, with global daily intake at 64g.

However, in Nigeria, 45 percent of Nigerians are protein deficient as they lack access to sufficient protein and thus do not consume the daily recommended grammage. The daily protein intake is 45.4g as against 53.8g, the Nigerian Protein Deficiency Report 2020 showed.

Country representative, USSEC, Dr. Michael David, at a media roundtable in Lagos, revealed that ‘Right to Protein campaign’ aims to foster behavioral change among individuals by spreading nutritional awareness about the need for adequate protein consumption for better nutrition and improved public health.

“Right To Protein is working to bring together individuals and institutions who can help drive protein awareness, debunk myths and misconceptions about protein food sources, and establish its importance as a critical macro-nutrient for the nutritional wellbeing of people,” David added.

Read Also: Too much protein intake can damage kidneys, dietician warns

As a stakeholder, the country representative averred that USSEC remained passionate about healthy and productive living hence its desire to be part of this awareness drive about the importance of protein to sound health and productive living while also promoting access to quality protein sources for Nigerians.

The Right to Protein initiative is a response to the growing concern over the lack of protein in the diets of many Nigerians, particularly those in rural areas and in underserved communities across the country. Protein remains an essential nutrient that is required in the human body to build and repair tissues, support immune function, and maintain overall health.

It is expected that the Right to Protein initiative will help to address this issue by providing education about the benefits of protein, promoting the inclusion of protein-rich foods in public feeding programmes, and advocating for policies that support increased access to protein sources for all.

The initiative will also be exploring ways to bridge the knowledge gap through various engagement activities and resources as well as partnerships with the country’s top professionals and stakeholders such as nutritionists, chefs, food enthusiasts, influencers, and policymakers to help drive conversations about protein and its importance to human health.