“Unlocking Potential: Hovid DHA Medication Helps Brain Development in Autistic Children”

“Unlocking Potential: Hovid DHA Medication Helps Brain Development in Autistic Children”

Parents of children with Autism are receiving crucial advice from Mr. Charles Dagogot, an official at Pharmatex Nigeria Limited. His recommendation is to  Incorporate Hovid DHA medication into their children’s routines to support proper brain development.

Presenting a paper during the World Autism Day activities at the Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital in Barnawa-Kaduna, Mr. Dagogot highlighted the significance of Hovid DHA, an essential emulsion for children. This emulsion contains Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) a vital component found in both the brain and the retina of the eyes.

Mr. Dagogot emphasized that daily intake of Hovid DHA positively impacts children living with Autism. Here’s how:

– Brain Development: From in utero to post-birth, DHA plays a pivotal role in brain development.

  • Speech and Language Enhancement: DHA contributes to improved speech and language function.
  • Memory Boost: Children benefit from enhanced memory capabilities.
  • Mood and Behavior Improvement: DHA positively influences mood and behavior.

“DHA,” Mr. Dagogot explained, “constitutes the most abundant Omega-3 fatty acid in the brain and retina. Its presence increases from birth, reaching 15% of total brain fatty acids by age 20. Cognitive decline and neural cell death are associated with DHA deficiency.”

Research indicates that elevated red blood cell DHA levels correlate with better cognitive performance. The brain selectively absorbs DHA over other fatty acids, making it essential for optimal brain and vision development, particularly eyesight.

Professor Aishatu Yusha’u-Armiya’u, the Medical Director of the hospital, celebrated the uniqueness of autistic children. She recognized their diverse talents, including exceptional mathematicians, statisticians, and graphic designers. Managing these special children requires identifying their strengths, especially in scientific fields.

Early detection remains critical. Professor Yusha’u-Armiya’u emphasized that interventions are most effective when initiated before the age of 10. By harnessing their potential early, we can unlock the remarkable abilities of these children.