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UNICEF has called on state governments to prioritize programs that improve access to clean water and sanitation services.

UNICEF Urges Governors to Support Sustainable Water and Sanitation Systems

UNICEF’s Chief of WASH, Jane Bevan, has called on state governments to prioritize programs that improve access to clean water and sanitation services.

The appeal was made during the launch of the WASH Sector-wide Sustainability Checks Action Plan and Sustainability Compact, an initiative aimed at enhancing the sustainability of water, sanitation, and hygiene infrastructure nationwide.

Bevan emphasized the need for state governments to establish water departments, train maintenance personnel, and provide technical assistance at the grassroots level.

She highlighted the challenge of funding the operation and maintenance of water systems, emphasizing that communities must find ways to collect funds for repairs and maintenance.

The Federal Ministry of Water Resources and Sanitation, in collaboration with UNICEF and other stakeholders, introduced the WASH Sector-wide Sustainability Checks Action Plan and Sustainability Compact. Minister of State, Bello Goronyo, emphasized the importance of moving beyond mere access to WASH services towards ensuring their long-term sustainability.

The initiative aims to systematically monitor and track sustainability factors in WASH services, with the goal of providing enduring solutions with lasting impact. Permanent Secretary, Aliyu Shinkafi, emphasized the transformative potential of the WASH Sector-wide Sustainability Checks Action Plan, stating that every drop of water saved, every hand washed, and every toilet built brings Nigeria closer to a healthier, equitable, and sustainable world.

The event brought together stakeholders from government ministries, development partners, technical experts, state representatives, and the FCT, underscoring the commitment to leave no one behind and ensure equitable access to essential services.