UNICEF and Borno Government Join Forces to Combat Child Malnutrition

UNICEF Calls for Prioritisation of Nutrition to Avert SAM

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has estimated that 14.7 million children under-five will suffer from moderate and Severe Acute Nutrition in 2023. Currently, it said 13 million under-five children in Nigeria face moderate malnutrition while 1.7 million are suffering from Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM).

UNICEF added that it takes only N8000 to prevent a child from becoming malnourished while it costs N57,000 to treat a malnourished child.

Currently, the world body said that in Nigeria, 11 million children under-five are stunted, four million are wasted, and 21 million are anaemic.

Stressing the need to prioritise nutrition, Mr. Ekene Ifedilichukwu, chairman Steering Committee of the Civil Society-Scaling Up Nutrition in Nigeria (CS-SUNN) said that every dollar invested in nutrition can generate $16 in return adding that investing in nutrition is one of the most cost-effective drivers of development and prosperity.

Read Also: UNICEF: Malnutrition Kills 100 Nigerian Children Hourly

To avert severe acute malnutrition, UNICEF said the first 1000 days of a baby, from conception, offer a critical window of opportunity, which if misused the child may suffer irreversible malnourishment and stunted growth.

To maximise the first 1000 days, UNICEF identified three major stages – Pregnancy, 0-6 months, and 6-24 months.

During pregnancy, the UNICEF recommended nutrition counselling, weight gain tracking, multiple micronutrient supplementation, MMS, infection control, and intermittent presumptive treatment of malaria

Between 0-6 months of child birth, it recommended early initiation of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding.

Between 6-24 months, the UNICEF recommended continued breastfeeding, complementary feeding, Vitamin A Supplementation, micronutrient powders/small quantity lipid based nutrient supplements, screening and treatment for acute malnutrition, zinc supplementation and diarrhea management.