DNA HIV Gene editing Crispr Gender testing Psychologists genetic Paternity
Gene Regulation

Study: Gene Editing Can Eradicate HIV

With the help of a gene editing tool, researchers were able to eliminate HIV from cells in a laboratory, raising hopes of a cure.

Using the tool known as Crispr-Cas, which won the Nobel Prize in 2020, scientists were able target HIV DNA, removing all traces of the virus from infected cells.

Working essentially as scissors, the technology can cut the DNA at certain points, allowing unwanted genes to be deleted, or new genetic material to be introduced into cells.

The study authors said their aim was to develop a robust and safe Crispr-Cas regimen, striving for an inclusive HIV cure for all that can inactivate diverse HIV strains across various cellular contexts.

The scientists were led by Dr Elena Herrera-Carrillo and part of her team (Yuanling Bao, Zhenghao Yu and Pascal Kroon) at Amsterdam UMC, Netherlands.

They said they have developed an efficient attack on the virus in various cells and where it may be hiding.

They added: “These findings represent a pivotal advancement towards designing a cure strategy.’’

HIV can infect different types of cells and tissues in the body, and so the researchers are looking for a way to target the virus wherever it appeared.

In the new study, presented at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, the researchers focused on parts of the virus that stayed the same across all known HIV strains.

They said the approach aimed to provide a broad-spectrum therapy capable of combating multiple HIV variants effectively.

According to the researchers, their works represent proof of concept, and would not become a cure for HIV tomorrow.

They said the next steps involved optimising the delivery route to target the majority of the HIV reservoir cells.

The hope is to devise a strategy to make this system as safe as possible for future clinical applications, and achieve the right balance between efficacy and safety.

“Only then can we consider clinical trials of ‘cure’ in humans to disable the HIV reservoir. While these preliminary findings are very encouraging, it is premature to declare that there is a functional HIV cure on the horizon.’’