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SON Cautions Against Unchecked Foreign Pharmaceutical Products, Other Goods

The Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) is cautioning that the Nigerian economy would derail if it allowed un­fettered restrictions on foreign phar­maceutical products, other goods, and services.

SON urged stakeholders to ensure that products in the country conform with international standards by preventing other countries from inundat­ing Nigeria with their substandard pharmaceutical products, other goods and services.

Timothy Abner, Director, Human Resources Management, made the call on the weekend during a walk by the organisation in Lagos, to mark World Standard Day, with the theme: “Shared vision for a better world.”

Abner who spoke for Standard Or­ganisation of Nigeria said the theme of the event is applicable to all countries and is a clear vision to achieving better and international standards.

“The world is moving towards hav­ing common activities and products, which is why countries are sharing a vision to make sure that the same stan­dard exists wherever in the world.

“Goods move from one country to another and there are international standards to ensure that such goods are accepted wherever they go. In Ni­geria, we are working to key into this vision by ensuring we have standards for everything.”

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Abner warned that if Nigeria does not move along with the rest of the world, its economy will face some challenges, especially as other countries will key into these standards to flood Nigeria with their goods.

He said that achieving international standards is essential for Nigeria, adding that everyone must share the same vision of ensuring international standards.

Yahaya Bukar, Director of Stan­dards, SON, said that the walk is to unite and fight the menace of substan­dard products flooding the markets, which results in unproductiveness and loss of money.

He said that SON is carrying all stakeholders along to understand the advantages of standards and their implementation to the people and the country.

He said that SON inspects factories daily to ensure standards and sensitise the people about the importance of maintaining standards.

Bukar noted that those who do not comply with standards are prosecuted as all the products manufactured in Ni­geria are expected to comply with the requirement of the mandatory confor­mity assessment programme.

Richard Adewunmi, Director of Laboratory Services, SON, said that every product must go through con­formity assessment as it is very critical in decision-making to certify the products’ conformity to international standards.