The President of the Society of Lifestyle Medicine of Nigeria (SOLONg), says the significance of sleep cannot be overemphasized, stressing that it is the pillar of lifestyle medicine for overall well-being on Friday in Lagos.

Sleep Ensures Good Brain Health

The President of the Society of Lifestyle Medicine of Nigeria (SOLONg), says the significance of sleep cannot be overemphasized, stressing that it is the pillar of lifestyle medicine for overall well-being on Friday in Lagos.

World Sleep Day is celebrated annually on March 15 to raise awareness of the importance of healthy sleep habits for overall well-being and to promote good sleeping habits.

The 2024 World Sleep Day themed, ‘Sleep Equity for Global Health’, is also an opportunity to heighten the awareness of sleep in diverse institutions and communities.

Makinde, who is also a Consultant Family Physician said that sleep is not merely a luxury but a fundamental pillar of health, comparable to nutrition and physical activity.

According to the Member, World Sleep Society, sleep is essential to health and adequate sleep supports memory and learning; promotes brain health by clearing waste from the brain and strengthens the immune system by aiding in the clearance of bacteria and viruses.

She explained that poor sleep health has been linked to a myriad of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, coronary artery disease and cognitive impairment.

According to the physician, statistics reported by the World Sleep Society and World Health Organization revealed that 42 million adults were predicted to have chronic insomnia worldwide, while $417 billion is lost in annual GDP globally due to reduced productivity associated with chronic insomnia.

The report further stated, “Over 16 per cent of individuals over Africa and Asia have reported extreme and severe sleep problems which were strongly linked to poorer general well-being and quality of life, and psychiatric factors.

“Sleep health is a cornerstone of overall well-being, and World Sleep Day serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing sleep in our lives.

“This day is marked with the main objective of creating an awareness campaign to draw the attention of the world to the growing global societal and economic burden of chronic insomnia.

“And how this can increase the risk of worker fatigue, errors in judgement, fatal accidents as well as chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease and even some cancers.

“By raising awareness of sleep health, healthy lifestyle behaviours and addressing disparities, we can work towards creating healthier and more equitable communities,” Makinde said.

Speaking also, the General Secretary of SOLONg, Dr Mimi Osamwonyi asserted that healthy sleep goes beyond just getting enough sleep.

The Consultant Neurologist explained that there are six dimensions that impact sleep health and, consequently, overall health and well-being.

Furthermore he added, “These dimensions include duration, efficiency, timing, regularity, alertness and quality. By addressing each dimension, individuals can adopt healthy sleep behaviours and improve their overall health.

“To maintain physical, mental and social well-being, you need to get enough sleep, as well as a healthy diet and exercise.”