Self-Medication/ drugs
Drugs that can be used or abused when self-medicating

Self-Medication: Medical Expert Calls For Criminalisation


Dr. Nuhu Sule, medical expert, is recommending that a specific punishment should be given out to persons who indulge in self-medication.

During an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Kaduna on Tuesday, Dr. Sule gave his recommendation and said such a measure should be considered especially when it concerns the devastating effects of self-medication

He pointed out that more people have begun take up the habit of taking medication without subjecting themselves to a proper diagnosis given by a medical professional. As such, the need for a law that would stipulate punishment to serve as deterrence.

“Self-medication is the practice of an individual using available medications or substances to treat self-diagnosed symptoms or conditions. In general, the practice of self-medication applies to any ailment or condition that a person may treat without the help of a healthcare professional.

“Potential risks of self-medicating in serious health conditions include incorrect self-diagnosis, increased risk of drug or supplement interactions, incorrect choice of therapy, as well as risk of dependence and abuse,” he said.

Dr. Sule, who is also a Physician with the Kaduna State Ministry of Health, explained that people seemed to consider self-medication as a ‘shortcut’ to treatment. According to him, this gamble usually results in a high cost of intervention should matters degenerate.

He, therefore, advised for people to shun the practice to avoid any adverse effects on their health.