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CSOs Urge Nigeria, Other Countries to raise $18bn to tackle Malaria, others

AIDS Health Care Foundation (AHF) and other Civil Society Organisations in the country, on Wednesday urged Nigeria and other countries to contribute to the Global Fund to tackle HIV, TB and Malaria.

The Global Fund is targeting to raise 18 billion dollars to tackle the scourge of HIV, TB and Malaria globally. The CSOs made the call on Wednesday in Abuja at a Forum ahead of the 7th Global Fund Replenishment Conference, slated for Sept. 19, in New York, United States.

The CSOs are Network of People living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, Association of Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, Association of Positive Youths in Nigeria and Civil Society for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, among others.

The conference, hosted by AHF Nigeria, has the theme: `FUND THE FUND, #Fight for What Counts’.

The CSOs said the call was aimed at galvanising support at country, regional and global level on the need for world leaders to provide the needed funding.

Mr Dozie Ezechukwu, Executive Secretary, Country Coordinating Mechanism for the Global Fund Nigeria, said the global fund support to Nigeria has made indelible mark in the HIV, TB and Malaria sectors.

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Ezechukwu, however, said Nigeria was not just a recipient, but also a contributor to the global fund.

He added that President Muhammadu Buhari had redeemed the 12 million dollar pledged to the Fund by Nigeria during the 6th conference.

He however urged the Nigeria government to show more commitment as one of the highest recipients of global fund, because of its impact on the health for its citizens.

Ms Kemi Gbadamosi, AHF Director of Advocacy, Policy and Marketing, African Breau, said the Foundation had rolled out series of advocacy programmes ahead of the 7th Global Fund replenishment conference.

Gbadamosi, however, appreciated the Nigerian government for fulfilling its pledge to the 6th global fund, and appealed for more support for the coming one.

Also speaking, Ms Judith Gbagidi, Head of Programmes, Education As A Vaccine, an NGO, said CSOs play vital role in advocating for support to the global fund replenishment. She said though there have been tangible improvements, accountability should be prioritised by government and the CSOs.