Muyi Aina NPHCDA Boss
The Executive Director, National Primary Healthcare Development Agency, (NPHCDA) Dr. Muyi Aina

NPHCDA to Religious Leaders: Promote Vaccination, Maternal Health

The National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) has charged religious leaders to make renewed commitment to safeguard and promote vaccination, maternal and child health in the community.

It said, religious leaders have power to dispel myths, correct misinformation, and encourage positive health-seeking behaviours of their congregations.

The Executive Director of NPHCDA, Dr Muyi Aina, made the charge in his remarks at a 2-day engagement meeting with religious leaders on vaccination, maternal and child health in Abuja.

The meeting which was organised by the Sultan Foundation for Peace and Development supported by NPHCDA, was a gathering of distinguished religious leaders, both Christians and Muslims, to discuss critical issues affecting vaccination, maternal and child health in Nigeria.

Aina noted that religious leaders are not just spiritual guides but also advocates for the well-being of their followers.

“Your influence on parents can make the difference between a child dying from childhood diseases and another surviving because the latter was protected with vaccines,” he said.

Aina also stressed that the health of a nation is intricately tied to the health of its women and children adding that healthy mother ensures a healthy family, and a healthy child is the foundation of a prosperous future.

He, however, said, in many parts of Northern Nigeria, particularly in rural and underserved areas, demand for essential maternal and child health services remains a challenge.

“Too many women still die from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth, and too many children fail to reach their fifth birthday due to preventable diseases.

“Every day, Nigeria loses about 2,300 under five years old children and 145 women of child bearing age. Most of these deaths are occurring in northern Nigeria,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Sultan of Sokoto, His Royal Eminence, Saad Abubakar in his remarks, emphasized the importance of collective action in addressing Nigeria’s challenges.

He stressed that religious leaders must work together to promote development, peace, and security, recognizing that these issues transcend religious boundaries.

“The Sultan Foundation’s work exemplifies the power of collaboration. Established to promote sustainable development and social cohesion, the foundation has made significant strides in addressing health, education, and economic empowerment.

“By partnering with organisations like UNICEF, Bill Gates Foundation, and other stakeholders, the foundation demonstrates the potential for collective impact,” he said.

He also noted that health and security are fundamental to Nigeria’s development stressing that without good health, individuals cannot contribute meaningfully to society, and without security, economic growth is impossible.

The Sultan highlighted the success of vaccination campaigns, citing the eradication of polio in Nigeria as a testament to collaborative efforts.