NMA/ doctors
Nigerian Medical Association Laments Deteriorating Doctor-Patient Ratio

NMA in Enugu State pledges to raise volunteer health workers

Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), Enugu State branch says it will raise volunteer health workers to assist in the medical manpower needs of the state.

Dr. Celestine Ugwuoke, Its newly-elected chairman gave the assurance in Enugu on Saturday when he spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria.

Ugwuoke said the volunteer health workers would assist in Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCs) and in other specialised health facilities, noting that the decision was premised on the fact that there had been instances where consultants of specialist medical personnel were needed at the health facilities but were not available.

Read Also: NMA: Nigeria Does Not Have Enough Medical Doctors

The Chairman said the branch of the NMA would ensure the redistribution of highly-skilled medical manpower using the medical volunteer scheme.

“We will be collaborating with the Enugu State Primary Health Care Development Agency as well as the state’s Ministry of Health to get this done.

“The volunteer medical workers will function in a streamlined manner to attend to manpower needs of PHCs and other specialised health facilities in need of their services,’’ he stressed.

The chairman said also that the volunteer scheme would help to reduce the health burden in rural areas and check the growing incidents of delayed healthcare services while also reassuring its members that the new executive would take the welfare of doctors seriously, especially as it regards their regular monthly pay.

Where there are glaring underfunding issues in the establishments, we will brainstorm and find alternative avenues to shore up funding and ensure that doctors are well taken care of,’’ Ugwuoke stressed.