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NGF Proposes Bill to Fund Primary Healthcare System

The Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF) is seeking to propose a bill to the Federal Government that will mandate some of its revenue generating agencies to remit part of its proceeds towards funding primary healthcare system in the country.

The Forum noted that, equitable primary healthcare is a key component of high performing health systems and prerequisite for achieving sustainable development goal number three and the universal health coverage.

The proposal was amidst years of agitations by the NGF for a sustainable funding of the country’s healthcare system.

Chairman of the Forum, Kayode Fayemi who made this known at the State Health Leadership Collaborative Forum, held at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers in Abuja, specifically identified two areas that will fetch federal government money to fund and sustain primary health care delivery to Nigeria citizens.

He said, the two key areas, if backed by law, the country can harness resources to fund the primary healthcare system on a sustainable basis.

He mentioned the Nigeria Sugar Development Council and the agency handling importation of vehicles as a key area of sourcing funds for the purpose.

Read Also: Governors launch Leadership Challenge Fund to improve PHCs across Nigeria

According to him, the proposed law will mandate the Nigeria Sugar Development Council, to remit a certain amount gotten as part of the 10% that goes to the council from the proceeds of the backward integration policy of the Federal Government.

The Governor equally proposed for the enactment of a law that will also mandate the agency handling revenue made from importation of used vehicles into the country, to remit 50 percent towards funding of primary healthcare in the country.

He said, Nigeria cannot continue to rely on development partners and foreign investments when it comes to financing primary healthcare.

He however, advocated for the judicious and transparent utilisation of such resources in order for the people to benefit directly from such initiatives.

On his part, Mohammed Nasir Sambo, Executive Secretary/Chief Executive Officer of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), lamented that, in spite of collaborative efforts globally and locally to develop effective and functional primary healthcare system in the country, sustainable financing has remained a major challenge.