Nigerian Communications Commission

NCC pledges support to NBSC

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has stated that it is willing to provide any assistance that is required in order to help the National Blood Service Commission (NBSC) fulfill its mandate of regulating, coordinating and ensuring the provision of safe, quality blood and blood products to all individuals who may require such in the country.

The Executive Vice Chairman of NCC, Prof. Umar Danbatta, represented by Director, Human Capital and Administration (DHCA), Usman Malah, made the commitment recently when the Director General of the NBSC, Dr. Omale Amedu, paid a visit to the NCC with his team.

The NBSC boss as said the visit was to share information with NCC about the mandate of NBSC to reduce prevalence of diseases transmitted through blood, enhance public awareness of blood safety and voluntary non-remunerated blood donation, and rally a committed team of voluntary blood donors, and thereby build a national strategic safe blood reserve.

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“The Chief Executive of NBSC also said that while June 14, had long been designated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as Blood Donor Day, Nigeria has additionally declared December 8 to show commitment to building sufficient blood reserve, considering the significance of blood to human survival and the centrality of blood and blood products among resources used in the production of cancer management drugs.

“The NBSC CEO emphasised that NBSC considered NCC as a leading MDA in Nigeria, hence the decision to visit NCC as part of NBSC’s sensitization of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and other stakeholders to the need for regular blood donation. Dr. Amedu commended NCC for its strides in ensuring improved connectivity and remarkable contribution to the digital economy agenda of government as well as to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

“Responding further, the DHCA thanked Amedu and his team for the visit, the kind words on the strides of the NCC, and NBSC’s collaborative spirit which he noted aligned substantially with a strategic objective focus of NCC that speaks to partnership and collaboration with stakeholders.” Says the statement.