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The National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA)

NACA Urges Nigerians To Be Aware Of Their HIV Status


Nigerians are being called upon to be aware of their HIV status so as to be properly positioned to help curb the spread of the virus.

Dr. Gambo Aliyu, the Director General of the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA), made the appeal and said that an early diagnosis can only be made possible through testing and counselling which is available free of charge at government hospitals and centres nationwide.

Dr. Aliyu, who had spoken prior to the 2022 National HIV Testing Day which is held today on the 27th of June, explained that the purpose of the exercise is to create awareness and educate people about HIV.

He stated that the Day aims to sensitise those who are most at risk for HIV infection on places to get HIV testing services to also link those who are positive to care and support available to them.


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As he pointed out that testing is the gateway to HIV services, Dr. Aliyu stated that the theme for this year is “HIV Testing is Self-care”.

“The earlier someone is diagnosed as living with HIV and initiated on life-saving treatment, the better chances of controlling the virus and preventing the spread. People can live long and healthy lives with early detection of HIV and proper treatment and care.”

He further explained saying: “HIV testing is free and confidential in all government hospitals. To locate HIV testing center closest to you, call HIV Toll free no 6222 between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday. HIV self-tests is also available and can be done at people’s convenience. We can end and prevent the spread of HIV if we know our HIV status.”

In Nigeria, the national prevalence of HIV is 1.4 percent among adults aged 15-49 years and an estimated 1.9 million people are living with HIV in Nigeria.