Medical Expert Urges Parents to Educate Adolescents on Sexual Health

Medical Expert Urges Parents to Educate Adolescents on Sexual Health

Dr. Tolulope Okunowo, a child and adolescent mental health analyst, has advised parents to provide their adolescents with comprehensive sex education to prevent premarital pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Speaking in Lagos, Okunowo emphasized the importance of informing adolescents about sexual reproductive health to achieve their full potential in life.

Okunowo, also a consultant psychiatrist, noted that young people are disproportionately affected by STIs, including HIV/AIDS, due to lack of information. She encouraged parents to educate their children about sexual health from ages 12 to 15, stressing that it is a parenting responsibility.

The expert clarified that teaching adolescents about reproductive health and sexuality does not promote promiscuity but prepares them to make informed choices. She highlighted the need for adequate health facilities providing sexual education and emphasized teaching adolescents about their sexual rights to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

By providing access to accurate information, Okunowo believes that young people can achieve their full potential and make informed decisions about their sexual health.