World Health Day
FG to equip hospitals with modern infrastructure.


Medical Expert Urges Effective Monitoring of Health Projects

Dr. Tunji Akintade, a seasoned general physician and former Chairman of the Association of Nigerian Private Medical Practitioners, is calling on the Federal Government to prioritize robust monitoring mechanisms for health projects. His plea comes ahead of World Health Day, celebrated annually on April 7, which commemorates the establishment of the World Health Organization (WHO) and its mission to enhance global access to essential health services.

This year’s theme, “My Health, My Right,” underscores WHO’s unwavering belief that health is a fundamental right accessible to all, not a privilege. The theme champions comprehensive access to quality health services, education, information, and safe drinking water. It also encompasses clean air, good nutrition, quality housing, decent working conditions, environmental well-being, and freedom from discrimination.

Dr. Akintade emphasizes that a significant portion of released funds—specifically 75%—should be allocated to improving access to quality healthcare services rather than focusing solely on infrastructure. He highlights the critical need for private-sector-driven health sector projects to achieve better outcomes. Despite substantial government allocations, the impact of quality healthcare services remains elusive for many citizens.

Furthermore, Dr. Akintade explains, “the federal government has approved N25 billion for facility financing and workforce incentives for states. However, we must scrutinize how previously released funds for Primary Health Care (PHC) development were utilized. Without effective monitoring, we risk duplicating payments for the same projects.”

To alleviate financial burdens on citizens, Dr. Akintade advocates for strengthening health insurance systems. He urges all levels of government to align health budgetary allocations and releases with the 15% Abuja Declaration commitment. Additionally, he laments the lack of local government presence at the grassroots level, emphasizing the need to bolster health, education, and environmental sanitation efforts to enhance citizens’ lives.

As rain and flooding contribute to waterborne diseases, state governments must expedite actions to improve access to clean and safe water. Furthermore, investments in health education play a pivotal role in promoting community well-being across all age groups.

In summary, Dr. Akintade calls for a holistic approach—one that prioritizes quality, people-centered, sustainable, and resilient health systems. Only through effective monitoring and strategic resource utilization can Nigeria’s healthcare sector truly thrive.