Med-Direct Africa Logo
The logo for Med-Direct Africa, which is now selling its products online through its e-pharmacy.

Med-Direct Africa Launches E-Pharmacy In Nigeria


Through the launch of its e-Pharmacy services, Med-Direct Africa is poised to redefine Nigeria’s health delivery landscape by reducing the cost of quality drugs and delivering them quickly to the last mile nationwide.

Now that the platform has been launched, Nigerians, from all walks of life and irrespective of where they are based, are now able to access genuine and affordable medicines online with a swift delivery to their location of preference.


Read Also: PharmaCentre Is Launched To Improve Access To Drugs, Medical Supplies

Ifeanyi Ogbolu, the Head of Retail Operations, Med-Direct Africa, stated that: ‘‘Med-Direct Africa, with its lifestyle department, will pay quality attention to prescription drugs, including high value and life-saving drugs to make sure genuine patients are supplied to those who need it before they exhaust what they have, no matter where they reside. We shall also handle last mile deliveries for public-spirited Nigerians and Donor Agencies, while Nigerians in the Diaspora can also take advantage of our reach to supply quality drugs cheaper than they can buy overseas for their relatives.

“We are dealing directly with manufacturers and distributors backed with the highest level of technologies and structured analytics to deliver without fail. We are prepared.”