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Cuba plans to partner with the FCTA to eradicate malaria.

Malaria Prevalence in Nigeria on Decline – Ehanire

Minister of Health, Dr Osagie Ehanire, said Nigeria has recorded a slight decrease in malaria prevalence, from 23 per cent in 2018 to 22 per cent in 2021.

Enahire made this known at the Official Launch and Dissemination of the National Malaria indicator Survey (NMiS) Report and The National Advocacy Communication and Social Mobilisation (ACSM) Strategy and Implementation Guide in Abuja.

The minister said, while this may not appear significant at the national level, at the sub-national substantial gains have been observed in several states.

The minister noted that malaria was a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in Nigeria, with young children and pregnant women disproportionately affected, adding that the disease accounts for 60 per cent of outpatient visits to health facilities, 30 per cent of childhood deaths, 11 per cent of maternal death (4,500 die yearly), and 25 per cent of deaths in infants (children aged 1 year).

Also, Ehanire announced that children under five years of age, remained the most vulnerable group affected by malaria accounting for 67 per cent of all malaria deaths.

He also noted that it was pertinent to note that the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and its partners had made consistent and concerted efforts over the years in providing resources towards the elimination of malaria in the country, and this had resulted to millions of lives being saved:

“The results of the 2021 NMIS show a further decline in the national prevalence of malaria to 22 per cent from 23 per cent in 2018, and 42 per cent in 2010.

Read Also: Ehanire: Nigeria Has Highest Cases Of Sickle Cell In Sub-Saharan Africa

“We are seeing gains being sustained in getting the general population to adopt key preventive measures. 56 per cent of households own at least one Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) while 36 per cent of household members, 41 per cent of children under five, and 50 per cent of pregnant women slept under an ITN the night before the survey.

“This underscores the importance of access, and therefore our drive to use all means including rolling mass campaigns to reach the teaming populations of Nigeria with nets”, Ehanire said.

Also speaking, Dr Perpetua Umomoibhi, NMiS in the health ministry said that the country has implemented four National Malaria Strategic Plans (NMSPs) and is presently implementing the fifth NMSP, which covers the period 2021 to 2025.

Umomoibhi said that the 2021 NMIS was the third malaria indicator survey conducted in the country, with the first in 2010 and the second in 2015.

She said some indicators showed poor performance relative to the results of previous surveys. The impact of COVID-19 may have clouded some of the gains previously recorded

Meanwhile, the Permanent Secretary, ministry of health, Mr Mahmuda Mamman, who was represented by Dr Morenike Alex-Okoh, Director Public Health, commended all stakeholders involved in conducting the 2021 NMIS and producing the report as well as those that developed the ACSM strategy and implementation guide.