medical syringe syringes
Medical Syringe

FG Directs Hospitals to Use Only Locally Manufactured Syringes, Needles

A new directive from the Federal Government has directed all Chief Medical Directors (CMDs) and Medical Directors (MDs) of Federal Tertiary Hospitals to procure needles and syringes from only the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, NAFDAC, approved local manufacturers.

Giving the directives in a circular to all the CMDs/MDs signed by the Minister of State for Health, Dr. Tunji Alausa, the federal government argued that the new directive is designed to promote local content and protect the country’s manufacturing industries from foreign companies that dump their goods on the country.

The circular with ref number: HMSH&SW /CMDs/MDs/FTHs/CIRCULAR/S&N/03 dated 28th March 2024, also disclosed that NAFDAC has been mandated to stop issuing licences for the importation of foreign manufactured needles and syringes.

Alausa said the health sector has identified local pharmaceutical industries that produce needles and syringes that are in serious trouble because of the practice.

The circular also disclosed that out of the nine local pharmaceutical companies that produced needles and syringes eight years ago, Six have folded up due to the dumping of largely substandard goods into the market.
“Mr. President has directed that this must stop.”

The circular reads in parts: “In my virtual meeting with all of you, we all agreed to take the necessary steps to immediately remedy this sad situation.

“Pursuant to this NAFDAC has been mandated to stop issuing licences for the importation of foreign manufactured needles and syringes.

“It is also to de-list companies involved in the importation of these products going forward.

Furthermore, all our tertiary hospitals are hereby directed to procure Needles and Syringes for your hospital needs from only the NAFDAC-approved local manufacturers listed below are listed either directly or through any of their vendors. EL-Salmat Pharmaceuticals Company Ltd Block, Brand Name: Salmaject, HMA Medical Ltd., with brand Name: Deleject and Afrimedical Manufacturing & Supplies Ltd.”

The circular also listed some of the distributors of the listed companies in some states of the Federation for easy access to assist in making the procurement process easier in the various institutions.