Abiodun Primary Health Centre: Maternal Health

Rotary Club Donates Medical Equipment To Maternal Health Centre


Despite the efforts made by African nations to reduce maternal mortality, an estimated 810 women die every day from pregnancy or childbirth related causes. As reported by experts, most of these deaths are avoidable. It is alarming as Nigeria’s maternal death rate remains the highest in the world, next to India’s. Although Nigeria represents only 2 percent of the world’s population, it also accounts for over 10 per cent of global maternal deaths.

Due to this, the Rotary Club of Ojodu, District 9110, has donated medical equipment worth N500,000 to the Abiodun Primary Health Centre, Ojodu, Lagos, to ensure that pregnant women have quality access to healthcare before, during and after birth.

Many people have voiced their concerns that Nigeria has not made much effort in saving the lives of pregnant women and babies, especially during childbirth. The maternal and infant mortality rates are more significant in the northern states than in other parts of the country.

Many statistics have shown that many healthcare professionals prefer to work in high-paying urban areas and private health centres because of the high-quality working conditions. The concentration in these high-paying centres usually leads to fewer health workers in the primary health care centres and rural areas. If the current trends continue, 48 million children under the age of five will die between 2020 and 2030 and half of them would be newborns.

Mr. Ikpunuekhai Osi-Evans, the clubs president, has said that the experience of women during labour and childbirth is essential for their well-being. According to him, “Children, newborns and mothers have a greater chance of surviving today than they did two decades ago. Still, diseases like pneumonia, malaria and diarrhoea, along with pregnancy and birth-related complications, claim the lives of millions of children”


Read Also: Maternal And Child Healthcare Is Rotary Club’s Focus


He also advocated for the quality care for women and newborns in the critical first weeks after birth, “As a nation, we have the opportunity to end preventable deaths among all women, children and adolescents and to greatly improve their health and well-being. Too many women, infants and children in Nigeria still have little or no access to essential, quality health services, education, clean air, water, adequate sanitation and nutrition.”

Mr. Ikpunuekhai also mentioned that the rotary club has made donations that helped in improving healthcare delivery of Ojodu community and executed many similar projects that enhanced the services provided by the health centre. Mr. Ikpunuekhai said the club was contributing its quota to the healthcare system, pointing out that government alone could not meet all the health needs of the people. He urged that the management of the health centre make good use of the donated equipment.

Mrs. Aishat Ayelara, the head of the Abiodun Health Centre, said that promoting maternal education would also help to reduce mortality. She expressed gratitude to the club for their humanitarian gesture, “The donation is timely, as we will make good use of the equipment. We are also calling on other humanitarian organisations to emulate the club and support the grassroot healthcare delivery system.”

She also stated that the centre was determined to educate the women in the community by raising awareness about preventive measures that could keep both the mother and child healthy. She explained that women with a higher level of education were more likely to seek the right treatment from the right place, which contributes to a significant reduction in maternal mortality.