Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital Enugu, FNHE JOHESU
The logo for the Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital Enugu (FNHE).

JOHESU Gives Vote Of Confidence To FNHE CMD


Yesterday, Prof. Monday Igwe, the Chief Medical Director (CMD), Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital Enugu (FNHE), gained approval from the Joint Health Sector Union (JOHESU) to carry on with the management of the hospital.

The union, which pointed out that the hospital had been in crisis over a period of time, stated that ever since Prof. Igwe had taken over the leadership of the hospital three years ago, staff welfare and infrastructure have improved tremendously.

While passing the vote of confidence at the New Multi-Purpose Hall, filled to the brim with happy staff members, JOHESU said that Prof. Igwe deserves to be commended for his sagacity at handling affairs of the hospital in spite of internal wrangling.


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Friday Oduburu, JOHESU Chairman, stated that ever since Prof. Igwe had taken over the management of the hospital, there had been “tremendous progress” in every department of the hospital.

“We want to state categorically that the Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Enugu has made tremendous progress under the present admiration of Igwe as the Medical Director and Chief Executive. Within the first three years of his administration, the fortune of the hospital has been turned around.”