Mrs. Elizabeth Ogidan, her husband, and Willy Godpikin of Wazobia FM

How 27 Pints of Blood Saved her Life

Lying almost dead she writhed in pain as the doctors battled to save her life. She had just been operated upon for a caesarian section, but the bleeding would not stop! She was losing a lot of blood very fast and her condition could take a turn for the worse. Then the doctors said she needed blood to be transfused to her.

That was when the crisis started. Her family members weren’t eligible to donate blood and paid donors were not in sight. At this point, she had become very pale and looked almost lifeless .

A doctor volunteered to save her life by donating his blood for free. This rare intervention was enough to sustain her albeit momentarily as repeated calls were made to voluntary donors to come forth.

Read Also: World Blood Donor Day: NGO Urges Nigerians To Donate Blood To Save Lives

In between slipping into coma and repeated surgeries, Mrs Elizabeth Ogidan received 27 pints of blood from good samaritans who were neither paid donors nor family members. According to her, “People I never met in my life came around to save my life” she said.

“I was near death but God sent his children to come save my life. These people I never met before, we share nothing in common except life. They came not as Christians or Muslims but as saviors in human forms. Their blood is what is keeping me alive” she said with uncontrollable emotion.

Today Elizabeth Ogidan, a mother of three is hale and healthy. Having realized the importance of voluntary blood donation, she has become a blood donor champion herself. She has worked with several communities ever since then, educating people on the benefits of voluntary non remunerated blood donation.