Ondo/ healthcare
Governor Rotimi Akeredolu, the Governor of Ondo State.

Healthcare: Ondo Govt Reiterates Commitment


Governor Rotimi Akeredolu, the governor of Ondo State, is reiterating his administration’s commitment to the healthcare and overall well-being of the residents in the Sunshine State. Governor Akeredolu, also gave his assurance to the inhabitants of the riverside that they would not be left out in the drive to ensure healthy state.

The governor mentioned this during a Free Medical outreach for the oil producing areas of the riverine communities in Ilaje council area of the State. The outreach was coordinated by the Amona Ugbo Coastal Communities Association (AMAICOMMA), and was sponsored by Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL).

As he was being represented by his Health Commissioner, Dr. Banji Ajaka, Governor Akeredolu commended CNL for being magnanimous and caring. He had also expressed his delight regarding the peaceful relationship between the oil giant and the host communities.

“Health is wealth; there is little one can do with an unstable health. This underscores the importance of this program.”

He then praised the impressive turn out of the people for the program, and passionately appealed that the participants should make good use of the mosquito nets that would be donated to the communities at the exercise. He further urged that the women, aged and children, who were the programme’s primary targets, to embrace inoculation, most especially for the children, by saying that, “the importance of this cannot be overemphasized”.

The multi million Naira healthcare exercise had been carried out in several communities which include Eke Itiola, Ogungbeje, Ilu Abo and Ode Ugbo.

Barrister Wole Ogungbeje, the chairman of the association, explained that since the medical centres are far away from the oil bearing communities, it made access to medical care difficult.

“This necessitates the need to bring the programmes to the people’s door steps”, he stated and then commended CNL for sponsoring the initiative, and urged for the company to make it a more regular exercise.

Mr. Nimbe Tawose, the Managing Director of Jokunbod Tunyat and Associates, the vendor who had implemented the laudable initiative, had described the exercise as “a health awareness program”. He then reiterated the need for constant medical check ups and described it as a similar priority. He lamented the high blood pressure of some of those attended to.

Chief Jackson Ebiwonjumi, a community leader, had also commended Chevron Nigeria Limited for the initiative and urged them to do more. Chief Ebiwonjumi, who is the Baale of Ebiwon Community, had also called upon the Ondo state government to provide more medical facilities in the area.