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Hajj 2024: NPHCDA Aids Pilgrims with Essential Drugs

The National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) has handed over essential medical supplies to the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), to ensure the health and well-being of Nigerian pilgrims undertaking this year’s sacred journey of Mecca.

The regular supply of the essential drugs which include antimalarials, antihypertensives, analgesics, and antibiotics among others would be distributed to all the states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

According to the Executive Director of the Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), Muyi Aina, the need to provide the pilgrims with the essential drugs was in line with Federal government’s prioritization of its citizens’ health.

While handing over the essential drugs to Jalaludeen Arabi, the Chairman, NAHCON at the National Strategic Cold Room, Abuja on Sunday, Aina said it was important to provide comprehensive medical support to the pilgrims considering the rigours of the pilgrimage.

He said in line with the government’s agenda on Health, the directive to source and provide these carefully curated essential medical supplies was a testimony to its determination to cater to the welfare of Nigerians.

“The timely procurement and delivery of these essential medicines underscored the Federal Government’s support to the pilgrims.

“These drugs will serve as a vital resource for our pilgrims, offering them timely and essential medical assistance throughout their sacred journey,” he said.

He commended the management of the Hajj Commission for their insights and guidance which he noted have been instrumental in shaping the initiative to cater to the unique needs of the Hajj pilgrimage.

In his remarks, Arabi commended the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, and NPHCDA for the timely intervention, noting, “The provision of these essential medical supplies is a testament to our shared commitment to the well-being of our pilgrims.”

“These drugs will be indispensable in providing timely medical assistance throughout the pilgrimage.

“We understand the physical and emotional demands of Hajj, and we are dedicated to ensuring that our pilgrims receive the best possible care.”

Arabi who was represented by Jololudeen Ardo, the however assured Nigerians that the essential would not only be judiciously applied but transparency and accountability would be the watchwords

“We will give accounts of how these were utilized to prove that transparency and accountability still revolve around our systems,” Arabi added.