Stress mental health
Stress and drug abuse negatively affect good mental health.

Expert Cautions Against Stress, Drug Abuse For Improved Mental Health

The Director of Health Services at the University of Ilorin, Dr. Rasheed Odunola, is urging Nigerians to take adequate care of their mental health by avoiding stress and drug abuse.

Odunola told newsmen on Thursday in Ilorin that mental health disorder is now rampant in Nigeria due to needless stress, drug abuse, and over-ambition.

He advised parents to pay greater attention to their children and wards while appealing to parents to shun pressurizing their children to study a course against their will.

Read Also: WHO: 116 Million People in Africa Living with Mental Health Conditions

He also warned parents against pushing youths to acquire wealth illegally without questioning the source of such wealth.

Odunola encouraged people to imbibe the habit of eating fruits and vegetables in addition to eating well, drinking well, thinking well, and having enough rest.

The expert advised that children should be monitored to avoid head injuries that can affect their mental well-being.

He stated that those with a history of mental illness or cases in their family should consider undergoing medical check-ups from time to time to prevent avoidable mental problems.