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Climate Change Increasing Malaria Burden Despite Preventive Measures – WHO

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has lamented that more people are coming down with malaria despite expanding access to preventive medication for the disease.

The global health agency in its 2023 World Malaria Report, revealed that 249 million new malaria cases were recorded in 2022, an increase of two million from 2021 and exceeding the pre-pandemic level of 233 million in 2016.

The report which delved into the link between climate change and malaria highlighted the behavioural changes and increased survival rates of the Anopheles mosquito through rising temperature, humidity, and rainfall.

According to the report, extreme weather events, such as heat waves and flooding, can also directly impact transmission and the disease burden.

The report specifically referenced the catastrophic 2022 flooding in Pakistan that led to a five-fold increase in malaria cases in the country.

The report indicated that significant increases were also observed in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, and Uganda.

The WHO also stated that climate variability can have indirect effects on malaria trends, due to factors such as reduced access to essential malaria services and disruptions to the supply chain of insecticide-treated nets, medicines, and vaccines.

It further noted that climate change-related population displacement could also lead to increased malaria cases as individuals without immunity migrate to endemic areas.

While climate change posed a major risk, WHO also underscored the need to acknowledge a multitude of other threats.

The WHO Director-General, Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, said the development is primarily due to COVID-19-induced public health disruptions, humanitarian crises, drug and insecticide resistance, and global warming impacts.

“The changing climate poses a substantial risk to progress against malaria, particularly in vulnerable regions.

“Sustainable and resilient malaria responses are needed now more than ever, coupled with urgent actions to slow the pace of global warming and reduce its effects,” he added.

WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti said climate variability poses a substantial risk, but that countries must also contend with challenges such as limited healthcare access, ongoing conflicts and emergencies, the lingering effects of COVID-19 on service delivery, inadequate funding and uneven implementation of core malaria interventions,.

“To forge ahead toward a malaria-free future, we need a concerted effort to tackle these diverse threats that foster innovation, resource mobilization and collaborative strategies,” she added.

The report also cited achievements such as the phased roll-out of the first WHO-recommended malaria vaccine, RTS, S/AS01, in three African countries.

It was noted that rigorous evaluation showed a substantial reduction in severe malaria and a 13 per cent drop in early childhood deaths from all causes in the areas where the vaccine was administered compared with areas where it was not.

WHO highlighted the need for a “substantial pivot” in the fight against malaria, with increased resourcing, strengthened political commitment, data-driven strategies and innovation focused on developing more efficient, effective and affordable products.

“The added threat of climate change calls for sustainable and resilient malaria responses that align with efforts to reduce the effects of climate change. Whole-of-society engagement is crucial to build integrated approaches,” it stated.