HPV Vaccine FG vaccination myths merck safe girls
A production issue has caused Merck to distribute less HPV vaccines.

In furtherance of efforts to ensure a successful administration of Human Papillona Virus (HPV) Vaccine and tackle cervical cancer in Ondo state, the Ondo State Primary Health Care Development Agency (OSPHCDA) has started advocacy visits to stakeholders in the state.

The agency made this known on its official FaceBook page on Tuesday. The first of such advocacy visit is to the office of the honorable commissioner for Health in the state Dr. Banji Awolowo Ajaka.

Speaking at the office of the commissioner, the Permanent Secretary, Dr Francis Akanbiemu said administration of the HPV vaccine has been scheduled to take place in the month of May in Ondo state hence, the need to start awareness campaign in earnest.

Akanbiemu who was represented by the Director Deceased Control and Immunisation, Dr. Victor Adefesoye, said, “Administration of the vaccine is for young girls between the age of 9-14 years, and it is free, and it has become necessary owing to the fact that the vaccine will mitigate the effect of cervical cancer which as caused a lot of health damages to women in the past.”

In their separate speeches during the visit, the World Health Organisation (WHO) Coordinator in of the state, Dr. Delẹ Davies and UNICEF representatives Mr. Tunde Ayo Ade requested for adequate supports from the state especially in the area of security and counterpart funding to ensure the success of the programme.

While thanking the Ondo State Primary Health Care Development Agency, WHO, UNICEF and National primary Health Care Development Agenc (NPHCDA), for the advocacy visit, the Commissioner, Dr Banji Ajaka pledged the support of state government and promised to personally lead other advocacy visits to stakeholders.

Dr Ajaka who opined that, “Introduction of HPV vaccine has been confronted with conspiracy theories just like with COVID-19 therefore, stakeholders like traditional rulers, religious leaders, market women, educational institutions etc must be adequately engaged and sensitised on the benefits HPV Vaccine.

“Those who propagate conspiracy theories that HPV Vaccine was designed to sterilize young women and reduce populations would be made to face the wrath of the law because the vaccine has been certified safe and effective by health care experts.”

Available records show that 15 states and Federal Capital Territory had the first round of the vaccine’s administration in 2023, while Ondo state is one of the states benefiting from the next round slated for May 2024