The Nigerian Cancer Society (NCS) is rebuking the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) based on its comments that the recently introduced Sweetened Sugar Beverage (SSB) tax would harm the beverage sector.

CAPPA Demands 25% SSB Tax to Check Diabetes, Others

The Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA) has demanded imposition of 25 per cent tax on sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs).

Its Executive Director, Akinbode Oluwafemi, at a press conference, in Abuja, argued that tax remains an effective tool in reducing consumption of SSBs globally.

He maintained that the move would check over-consumption of SSBs, which have links to more than 15 types of cancer, obesity, diabetes and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

Oluwafemi added that the measure would improve public health indices, while also reducing some of the environmental problems caused by the indiscriminate disposal of product packages.

Read Also: Obesity: Experts Urge Tinubu to Begin Upward Review of SSB Tax  

“While we say that the aim is to reduce over-consumption, we must reiterate that these beverages are non-nutritive and have no use in the body. Hence, they can be totally avoided for the good of everyone,” he stressed.

Arguing that the current N10 per litre on SSBs is insignificant and ineffective in discouraging their consumption, the CAPPA boss pleaded with the authorities not to succumb to the “blackmail” of producers of SSBs to sustain the existing tax regime.

He, therefore, urged the authorities to begin a legislative process for the sustainability of the tax, adjustable to inflation with provisions on earmarking.

“Government’s role of protecting the populace remains sacrosanct and the current government must honour this social contract with the people. The government must ensure that other SSBs not captured in the current tax regime are all included,” the group said.