Cardiovascular issue caused by trans-fat

Campaign Against Trans-Fat Aims To Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases


Many journalists and members of the Civil Society Organizations, (CSOs) participated in a two-day training programme against Trans-Fat in Enugu. During the training, it was continuously repeated that Trans-Fat was a major cause of cardiovascular diseases.

During his opening speech at the training programme, Professor Ikechukwu Obi, the Enugu State Commissioner for Health, praised the organizers, Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA), for establishing the Journalism Training on Trans-Fat Reporting. He noted that journalists were critical stakeholders in health education and awareness and added that they must ensure they get correct, factual and understandable health information that would benefit the public.

According to him, journalists should not allow medical professional becloud them with lots of technical health terminologies, but should learn to ask them to use simpler words for a better understanding. In his own words, “Journalists should try as much as possible to simplify medical terms for clear understanding of the layman. Accurate information passed in an easily understandable language will ensure that misconceptions and misinterpretation are checked in health reporting.”


Read Also: Trans Fat: Delayed Publication Of Regulation Is Dangerous


On the need to stop use of TFAs oils, he said that Nigerians have to be careful of what they eat and to check their fat and oil intakes to stem the tide of cardiovascular diseases in the country. He, however, lauded NAFDAC for coming out with a draft regulation to check the use and consumption industrial TFAs in the country. He then reassured journalists and other stakeholders in the fight against TFAs to ensure that “we conquer, as we have done in Ebola, polio and other diseases”. He said that the state was committed to working with NAFDAC, CAPPA and others in safe-guarding the health of all Nigerians.

Mr Olufemi Akinbode, the Executive Director of CAPPA, explained that the purpose of the workshop was to x-ray the dangers of TFAs as well as equip journalists with the necessary knowledge and stakeholders’ contacts that would help enrich their reportage. According to Akinbode, “we want journalists to use their media advocacy and awareness to influence policy makers and government regulators on making laws and health regulations to check the industrial TFAs. Journalists are expected to use their reportage to create awareness of the dangers of TFAs on the people and we achieve appreciable reduction in use of TFAs oil in our meals so that our people will remain healthy.”

Dr Jerome Mafeni, Technical Director on TFAs with Network for Health Equity and Development, lauded CAPPA and its partners on the sustenance of the advocacy against TFAs, as well as for mobilizing the media to join actively in the fight.

Mrs Joy Amafah, Nigeria in-Country Coordinator of Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI), noted that there was no way you can run a successful campaign meant to influence the attitude of the public without using the media. She said, “I look forward for a successful engagement and outcome on TFAs education and advocacy.”