Blood Donation
A blood donor donating blood.

Blood Donation Rates In Nigeria Are Abysmal, Says FG


The Federal Government is lamenting the low rate of voluntary unpaid blood donations as it remains abysmally low in Nigeria despite the rising concerns regarding the safety of blood donation units that are collected from commercial and family replacement donors.

During the commemoration of the World Blood Donor Day that was organised by the National Blood Service Commission, Dr. Adeleke Mamora, the Minister of State for Health, made notice that approximately eight per cent of blood donations in Nigeria were from unpaid voluntary donations.


Read Also: Blood Donor Day: JDI Urges Nigerians To Adopt J Blood Match


He then further explained that: “In order to meet the blood needs of its citizens, every country must have a strong base of voluntary unpaid donors as this also ensures the safety of the blood being transfused. A blood service that enables patients to gain ready access to safe, quality blood and blood products free from infections such as HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis and others in sufficient quantity is a key component of an effective health system. However, this cannot be achieved without a strong base of regular voluntary unpaid blood donors.”

According to Walter Kazadi Mulombo, the Country Representative of WHO Nigeria, donating just a single unit of blood could save the lives of up to three patients.

“While the need for donor blood is universal, access for everyone who needs it is not. In Nigeria, with the road traffic accidents, insurgencies and other crises, demand regularly outstrips supply, negatively impacting timely access for all patients who need safe and quality-assured blood to save their lives.”