NMA/ doctors
Nigerian Medical Association Laments Deteriorating Doctor-Patient Ratio

Benue NMA Threatens Industrial Action Over Colleague’s Abduction

The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) Benue State branch, has threatened to declare an indefinite strike in the state over the kidnap of a Medical Doctor, Asema Msuega by gunmen in Ukum Local Government Area, LGA, of the state.

Msuega who works at the Generel Hospital Sankera, Zaki Biam was abducted alongside another health worker on July 23, 2023.

The pair were on their way to supervise a malaria control program at a Primary Health Centre (PHC) in Ukum LGA.

The NMA on Wednesday in Makurdi in a statement lamented that the kidnap of Msuega was the second of such abductions in the state in the last three months.

Read Also: Cross River: Doctors Declare Indefinite Strike Over Colleague’s Abduction

The NMA stated that the pattern cannot be ignored, as it now seems like doctors are now the target of kidnappers in the state.

“We hereby call on the Benue State Governor, Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Alia and top politicians, especially those who hail from Ukum LGA, including Senator Emmanuel Udende representing Benue North East Senatorial Zone and the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Paul Biam to swiftly intervene and ensure the immediate release of Dr. Msuega from the hands of his abductors.

“We equally seek the intervention of the Revered Paramount Ruler of the Tiv nation, Orchiviligh HRM Prof. James Ayatse to take decisive and immediate action that will lead to the release of our colleague and his subordinate.

“In solidarity with the Nigerian Association of Government General Medical and Dental Practitioners (NAGGMDP) Benue state, which has been on strike since this distressing incident occurred, we raise our unified voices to demand justice for Dr. Asema Msuega.“

They urge the government to reinforce security measures around health facilities across the state, especially in areas that have become breeding grounds for heinous crimes.