The Lagos State government is sensitizing stakeholders who sell meat on the importance of curbing communicable diseases.

Anthrax: Kwara State Issues Public Advisory On Outbreak

The Kwara State Government has recently issued a public advisory regarding the outbreak and spread of anthrax, a deadly bacteria, that has been reported in neighbouring countries.

The advisory was issued by Dr. Abubakar Ayinla, the Permanent Secretary for the Kwara State Ministry of Health, on Friday in Ilorin.

Designed by the Kwara State Ministry of Health, the Public Advisory comprises an overview of the bacteria, mode of transmission, spread, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and control, and what to do when anyone comes down with the signs of the deadly disease, including the contact details of relevant health workers.

Read Also: Africa Faces A 63% Rise In Zoonotic Diseases, WHO

The Ministry, in a statement released by its Permanent Secretary, has also issued a four-page separate advisory that detailed the steps health workers should take when anyone presents with symptoms of anthrax in their facilities.

The Ministry is aware that due to Kwara’s proximity to affected countries, its citizens could well be at risk.